Monday, April 6, 2015

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit (15 pics)

Cassandra Naud was born with this bizarre birthmark that covers her left cheek. However instead of removing it, she has decided to make the best of it and not conform to traditional beauty ideals. You go girl!

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

Many have suggested that she remove it, but she refuses

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

In fact, she embraces her stand-out appearance

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

“My birthmark is a huge part of me. It makes me unique and memorable, which is especially important for the career I’ve chosen”

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

It hasn’t stopped her from finding love, either!

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

She refused plastic surgery when she learned that it may scar her face

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

“I don’t often face prejudice, but one agent told me to Photoshop my birthmark out of my head shots”

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

“Wanting to please, I agreed at first, despite feeling shocked they’d asked. But then I changed my mind”

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

It wasn’t always easy to be confident – Naud was teased at school

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

“Their cruel remarks were hard to deal with and I’d often fight back tears. I felt ugly – even if only for that moment”

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

“Times are changing, so don’t worry about looking normal. Don’t let bullies stop you and be proud of your uniqueness”

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit

“Having a birthmark distinguishes me – and I don’t feel that it has ever held me back”

The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit
The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit
The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit
The Girl Who Uses Her Odd Birthmark to Her Benefit
Source : izismile[dot]com
post from sitemap

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